- Fill a pot with water and bring to a boil. Gently add 8 eggs, one at a time, into the water with a slotted spoon. Lower heat to simmer and let eggs cook for 1 minute. Add the lid and turn off the heat. Let sit covered for 10 minutes.
- Peel away the shells from the eggs.
- Place peeled eggs on the cutting board.
- Slice eggs lengthwise and scoop out yolks into a bowl. Smash the yolks with a fork.
- Add sour cream, mayonnaise, mustard, and lemon juice to yolks and stir until smooth. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
- Put a spoonful of egg mixture back into egg whites and plate.
- Add the salmon caviar to prepared deviled eggs, along with fresh dill. If using wasabi salmon caviar, add green onion, or pickled ginger for a zesty twist on a traditional recipe.